A casino is an establishment for gambling. They offer a variety of games like blackjack, roulette, craps, slot machines and poker and are often combined with hotels, restaurants, shopping centers and other attractions. Casinos earn billions in profits from gambling, but they also have a dark side. Many people become addicted to gambling and it has been estimated that five percent of casino patrons are compulsive gamblers who generate 25 percent of the profits for casinos. In addition to games of chance, casinos feature entertainment such as musical shows and lighted fountains, and offer top-notch hotels and spas.
Most casinos employ security measures to deter cheating and stealing by patrons or employees. These include security cameras located throughout the building, as well as special cameras that can be directed to focus on suspicious patrons. Additionally, casino games have patterns that can be analyzed for signs of cheating or collusion, such as how dealers shuffle and deal cards, and how players react to various outcomes.
Larger casinos may have a security room that contains a bank of surveillance monitors, so casino personnel can view the entire casino at once. These rooms are often connected to catwalks that run along the ceiling and allow security personnel to look directly down on tables and slot machines through one-way glass. In addition, some casinos have specialized cameras in the ceiling to provide a high-tech eye-in-the-sky. These cameras are aimed at tables, doorways, windows and other areas where patrons may be likely to cheat or steal.