Poker is a game of card play for money. A player buys in by placing chips in a central pot. The chips are usually valued in increments of five. A white chip is worth the minimum ante or blind bet; a red chip is worth five whites; and a blue, black, or brown chip is worth the maximum bet.
Players may choose to open the betting by saying “I call” or “I raise”. Saying “call” means you want to match the last person’s bet. Saying “raise” means you want to increase the amount you’re betting by an agreed-upon amount. If you don’t have a good hand, you can fold your cards into the dealer’s tray face-down.
When a player has two matching cards of the same rank, they are dealt another three cards in a row. These are called the community cards. If they are of the same suit, this is called a flush. Three or more consecutive cards in the same suit is called a straight. Three or more unmatched cards in the same rank is called a full house.
You should know the rules of your game and how to read the other players at the table. It’s important to distinguish between conservative and aggressive players. Conservative players fold early and can often be bluffed by more aggressive players. Aggressive players are risk-takers and tend to bet high early in a hand before they’ve seen the community cards.