Casinos offer a wide range of games to their patrons. Some games are more complex than others, but they all have a common core: the excitement of winning. Whether you play video poker, blackjack, roulette, or baccarat, you’re always hoping for that lucky spin or card. There’s also a sense of suspense when you’re playing a casino game, as you wait to see what happens next.

Something about gambling encourages people to cheat or steal, and casinos spend a lot of time and money on security. They use technology to monitor betting chips with microcircuitry and track table movement minute-by-minute, so they can immediately notice any deviation in their expected results; roulette wheels are electronically monitored to discover any tampering or wheel-tampering. And of course, all players must be IDed to prevent unauthorized gambling.

Like Paul Verhoeven’s Showgirls a few years later, Casino depicts Vegas as a seedy hellscape of venality and corruption. It is, as Robert De Niro’s character Ace would say, “the town that time forgot,” and the movie conveys Scorsese’s ambivalence: he’s both convinced that the past was better (a sentiment that’s echoed in the movie’s hellacious torture-by-vice sequence featuring a popped eyeball and a shockingly edited baseball bat beating, both of which had to be trimmed to avoid an NC-17 rating) and skeptical of what will replace it.

Boosting your casino’s discoverability is an important part of casino marketing, as it can help you attract groups and earn more business from planners. By optimizing your content for keywords relating to your amenities, location, and unique offerings, you’ll give your casino the visibility it needs when event planners search online.