
To ensure the safety of the gaming floor, casinos use elaborate surveillance systems. They have cameras placed in the ceiling to monitor every table, window, and doorway. These cameras can be adjusted to focus on specific patrons or suspicious activities. The video feeds are recorded and can be reviewed later. Dealers must always clear their hands when they leave a gaming table or move chips.

In the 1990s, casinos began to employ sophisticated technologies to supervise their games. Computers and video cameras are routinely used to monitor the activity of the dealers and players. Some casinos have developed “chip tracking” technology, which involves betting chips that contain built-in microcircuitry, which enables casinos to monitor the wagers minute-by-minute. The roulette wheel is also regularly checked for statistical deviations. Casinos have also introduced wholly automated games, which do not require dealers. The casino can also install a small camera in the game to watch the players’ face as they play.

In the 21st century, casino games allow people to wager money against a house or banker. Casinos were legalized in many European countries in the late twentieth century. In the United Kingdom, casinos have been operating as licensed gambling clubs since the 1960s. In France, casino gambling has been legalized since 1933. France is home to some of the most famous casinos in Europe.